A Venting Moment
I'm just having my moment right now. I don't know if I should blame it on a bad day, hormones, or just my adoption opinionated mind but I need a moment to vent. I just watched one of the saddest movies I have ever seen. Let me just take a moment to briefly give a summary of what I just watched. The movie started out with me crying off the bat. The opening was a 16 year old girl crying out in pain and agony delivering a baby girl. It instantly took me back to the hospital of all the pain I went through for Noahs birth. (Pain I would go through again in a heart beat for him) The father of the baby left the mother and her newborn at the hospital for this new teen mom to raise her baby by herself. The movie went on with the teen mom blaming her newborn for ruining her life and selfishly not taking care of her the way she should be. There was constant screaming in the house between the teen mom and her mother and all I could feel was so much sadness and pain for this little newborn baby. The baby ended up being kidnapped in the park when the mother wasn't paying attention and the whole movie went on with the mother doing everything and anything in her power to get her baby back. It took losing her baby to understand she wasn't responsible and she realized how much she really did love her baby. After risking her life to get her baby back she finally found and rescued her baby. Throughout the movie she realized how much she loves her baby and how much more her daughter deserves. She decided to place her baby for adoption. The teens mother pleaded with her daughter telling her "no" and "We can make this work". The teen replied to her mother something along the lines of "You told me once you would do anything for me to have the best life. That is what I need to do for Zoe. Give her the best life." It shows the teen mother in so much pain making the choice to say goodbye to her baby and crying to her baby saying "Do you know how much I love you? Please know how much I love you!" I was bawling in this scene. Straight. Bawling. I know exactly how this girl was feeling. I know the exact pain she was going through when she said goodbye. This girl finally decided to be selfless and knew her baby deserved more than the life she was born into at the time. I thought it was the perfect ending, yet the most heart breaking for the mother. Now what I'm having a problem with is the feedback. I have yet to read ONE positive comment about the ending. All I am seeing is "All that work to get your baby back and your just giving her away" or "The ending was ridiculous, I guess she can go back to partying now." "Why try so hard to get your baby back if you were just going to give her away." Is this how people view adoption? Do people think I didn't want Noah? Do people not understand the entire movie this girl was fighting to get her baby back promising she will give her baby the best life and she did? She did what was BEST for her baby. Finally not for herself. How could people be so selfish? How can people say things like this? How can people not know I gave my entire heart away to parents who were ready to give Noah the life I always dreamed my children would have? I just don't understand this world. At the end of the movie the police told the girl, "You just saved your childs life, are you sure you want to do this?", and she replied, "No, she saved mine." And that is exactly how I feel about Noah. He saved my life. The girl cried and cried and said she never knew she could love this much. How can people not see that this decision is the hardest choice in the entire world. It is SUFFERING a life-long broken heart. When I see things like "Might as well not have gone through all of that if you're just going to give her away" I just want to scream. Like REALLY?! Anyways. People need education and a bigger, more mature and selfless heart. That is all.
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